The government cooperated with the UN Offi

ce of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, or asylum seekers, as well as other persons of concern.
Access to Asylum: The law provides for the granting of asylum or refugee status, and the government has established a system for providing protection to refugees. The government provided a prima facie mode of recognition for refugees from Cote d’Ivoire, granting automatic refugee status without a formal hearing to those who fled because of 2011 postelection violence, but complied with a UNHCR recommendation to end refugee status for Ivoirians effective June 30. Most Ivoirian refugees voluntarily departed, but some opted for local integration.
Durable Solutions: During the year, the government resettled, offered residency, and assisted in the voluntary return of refugees. Voluntary repatriation of Ivoirian refugees took place with support from UNHCR, which also provided aid to refugees who opted for local integration. The government assisted these efforts by offering long-term residency and inclusion in the government benefit system.
Temporary Protection: The government provided temporary protection to individuals who may not qualify as refugees. Asylum seekers who presented themselves to UNHCR and the Refugee Repatriation Resettlement Commission were provided temporary protection while their cases were being adjudicated.